HTTP Shell Node


Welcome to the Heat API!


Every API call must be authenticated by including your secret API key in the request. You can manage your API keys in the Developer Console.

Authentication of an API call is performed using HTTP headers. Provide your API key as a custom HTTP header named X-Heat-API-Key. You can keep your key secure by making API calls over SSL (HTTPS) as this will encrypt the entire request, headers included.

A sample test API key is included in all the examples on this page, so you can test any example right away. To test requests using your account, replace the sample API key with your actual API key.

Staging Environment

This call runs on staging because the API key starts with test_

POST /v1/requests/multiple-choice?block=30 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Heat-API-Key: test_e53bbf19fdd077eda1cd933a54ebe987

  "instruction": "Does the image contain violent content?",
  "attachments_type": "image",
  "attachments": [ "" ],
  "choices_type": "text",
  "choices": [ "no violence", "mild violence", "intense violence" ]
curl "" \
  -H "X-Heat-API-Key: test_e53bbf19fdd077eda1cd933a54ebe987" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{ "instruction": "Does the image contain violent content?",
        "attachments_type": "image",
        "attachments": [""],
        "choices_type": "text",
        "choices": ["no violence", "mild violence", "intense violence"] }'
var heat = require("heatjs")(

  instruction: "Does the image contain violent content?",
  attachments_type: "image",
  attachments: [ "" ],
  choices_type: "text",
  choices: [ "no violence", "mild violence", "intense violence" ]
}).then(function (res) {
  // handle response here

When implementing a system using the API, it is very useful to be able to test the system during development without performing real API calls.

For testing purposes, you can use all API in a staging environment. In staging:

To make your calls run on staging, use the Test API Key available in the Developer Console. Notice that staging API keys always have the prefix test_ for easy identification.

Making Requests

Making a request is meant to be as simple and painless as possible. All you need to do is make a single HTTP POST operation and provide all the relevant details.

There are several types of requests:

When making a request, the most important parameter you need to provide is instruction. This is a sentence explaining in natural language what exactly is requested in this call. The amazing thing about the Heat API is the fact that instructions can be given in natural language. This means the API is not limited and you can pretty much ask anything you want.

Complete vs pending

GET /v1/requests/44647b6f-b033-4788-9ee2-9d7aa5cb0158 HTTP/1.1
X-Heat-API-Key: test_e53bbf19fdd077eda1cd933a54ebe987
curl "" \
  -u "test_e53bbf19fdd077eda1cd933a54ebe987:"
var heat = require("heatjs")(

.then(function (res) {
  // handle response here

Pending Response (JSON)

  "id": "44647b6f-b033-4788-9ee2-9d7aa5cb0158",
  "status": "pending"

Completed Response (JSON)

  "id": "44647b6f-b033-4788-9ee2-9d7aa5cb0158",
  "status": "complete",
  "response": "42"

A request might take a little time to process. This means that the response might not be available immediately. You can tell whether a response is ready using the status field of the request. This field can have the following values:

If a request is pending, the simplest method to wait until it’s complete is by polling continuously. As long as the response is still pending, wait a little longer and try again. The Retrieve request method can be used for this purpose:

POST /v1/requests/multiple-choice { ... }
{ id: "44647b6f-b033-4788-9ee2-9d7aa5cb0158", status: "pending", ... }

GET /v1/requests/44647b6f-b033-4788-9ee2-9d7aa5cb0158
{ id: "44647b6f-b033-4788-9ee2-9d7aa5cb0158", status: "pending", ... }

GET /v1/requests/44647b6f-b033-4788-9ee2-9d7aa5cb0158
{ id: "44647b6f-b033-4788-9ee2-9d7aa5cb0158", status: "pending", ... }

GET /v1/requests/44647b6f-b033-4788-9ee2-9d7aa5cb0158
{ id: "44647b6f-b033-4788-9ee2-9d7aa5cb0158", status: "complete", ... }

See best practices below for recommendations on how often to make recurring calls.

Blocking vs non-blocking

Call that is non-blocking

GET /v1/requests/44647b6f-b033-4788-9ee2-9d7aa5cb0158 HTTP/1.1
X-Heat-API-Key: test_e53bbf19fdd077eda1cd933a54ebe987
curl "" \
  -u "test_e53bbf19fdd077eda1cd933a54ebe987:"
var heat = require("heatjs")(

.then(function (res) {
  // handle response here

Call that is blocking for 30 seconds

GET /v1/requests/44647b6f-b033-4788-9ee2-9d7aa5cb0158?block=30 HTTP/1.1
X-Heat-API-Key: test_e53bbf19fdd077eda1cd933a54ebe987
curl "" \
  -u "test_e53bbf19fdd077eda1cd933a54ebe987:"
var heat = require("heatjs")(

.then(function (res) {
  // handle response here

By default, all calls are non-blocking, meaning the server will reply immediately without waiting. Non-blocking calls are great for polling because you receive the current status as soon as you ask for it.

If you prefer to reduce the amount of polling, you can also make blocking calls. Blocking calls let you specify the number of seconds you are willing to wait for a response. The server will wait up-to the specified number of seconds before replying.

For example, we decide to block for 30 seconds. If a response is ready within 15 seconds, the server will reply as soon as the response is ready (after 15 seconds) with a complete status. If a response is ready within 60 seconds, the server will reply as late as allowed (after 30 seconds) with a pending status.

Best practices

Since server replies might be in the pending status, you may need to poll continuously until the status becomes complete.

Let’s assume you are running a production system with high load and using non-blocking calls. The question is how long should you wait before making the next polling call.

The recommended practice is to double your delay time between calls. Let’s assume you wait 15 seconds between the first and second calls. If the second call is still pending, wait 30 seconds before making the third call. If the third call is still pending, wait 60 seconds before making the fourth call… and so forth.

Using webhooks

If you want to avoid polling the server for responses, you can specify a webhook and Heat will POST the completed request back to you as soon as it’s ready. To specify a webhook simply add the hook_url parameter

instruction: ...,
hook_url: 'http://my.webhook/endpoint/',

It is recommended to use webhooks on top of other (polling) methods, to avoid cases where a request is “lost” due to temporary unavailability of the webhook.

It makes sense to setup a webhook in order to receive quick updates on request completion, but periodically poll all 'pending’ requests to make sure none got lost.

Excluding specific crunchers

If, for any reason, you need to exclude specific crunchers from receiving a task, you can exclude them by adding the exclude_crunchers parameter:

instruction: ...,
exclude_crunchers: ['cruncher-id-1', 'cruncher-id-2', ...]

Cruncher IDs are included in the task response.


Multiple Choice

POST /v1/requests/multiple-choice?block=30 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Heat-API-Key: test_e53bbf19fdd077eda1cd933a54ebe987

  "instruction": "Does the image contain violent content?",
  "attachments_type": "image",
  "attachments": [ "" ],
  "choices_type": "text",
  "choices": [ "no violence", "mild violence", "intense violence" ]
curl "" \
  -H "X-Heat-API-Key: test_e53bbf19fdd077eda1cd933a54ebe987" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{ "instruction": "Does the image contain violent content?",
        "attachments_type": "image",
        "attachments": [""],
        "choices_type": "text",
        "choices": ["no violence", "mild violence", "intense violence"] }'
var heat = require("heatjs")(

  instruction: "Does the image contain violent content?",
  attachments_type: "image",
  attachments: [ "" ],
  choices_type: "text",
  choices: [ "no violence", "mild violence", "intense violence" ]
}).then(function (res) {
  // handle response here

Example Response (JSON)

  "id": "44647b6f-b033-4788-9ee2-9d7aa5cb0158",
  "status": "complete",
  "response": [ "no violence" ],
  "type": "multiple-choice",
  "instruction": "Does the image contain violent content?",
  "attachments_type": "image",
  "attachments": [ "" ],
  "choices_type": "text",
  "choices": [ "no violence", "mild violence", "intense violence" ]

Give a question with multiple potential answers and receive answers from the list as a response. You can limit to a single answer or multiple answers.

HTTP Request

POST /v1/requests/multiple-choice

Query Parameters

Name Default Description
block 0 Time in seconds the request should block for a response. If the request isn’t completed before this timeout, a pending result is returned.

Request Body Parameters

Name Type Description
instruction string Sentence explaining in natural language what exactly is requested in this call.
attachments_type (optional) string The type of the array elements in the attachments parameter. Potential values:
text - plain text (default)
image - URL of an image (jpg,png,gif)
video - URL of a video (mp4)
audio - URL of an audio file (wav,mp3)
website - URL of a website (html)
attachments (optional) string[] An array of strings providing additional resources which are required to perform the instruction.
choices_type (optional) string The type of the array elements in the choices parameter. Potential values:
text - plain text (default)
image - URL of an image (jpg,png,gif)
video - URL of a video (mp4)
audio - URL of an audio file (wav,mp3)
website - URL of a website (html)
choices string[] An array of strings describing the potential choices.
min_answers (optional) number Minimum number of allowed answers. Defaults to 1.
max_answers (optional) number Maximum number of allowed answers. Give 0 for no limit (which is the default).

Return Value

A Request object in a pending or completed state.

Name Type Description
id string A unique ID for this request, used to identify this request in future calls.
status string Current status of the request. Potential values:
complete - response ready under the response field
pending - response not ready and will be returned later
response (optional) string[] The response for the completed request (if available). An array of strings containing the chosen values from the choices array.
type string The request type, always multiple-choice.
instruction string provided when making the request
attachments_type string provided when making the request
attachments string[] provided when making the request
choices_type string provided when making the request
choices string[] provided when making the request
min_answers number provided when making the request
max_answers number provided when making the request

Free Text

POST /v1/requests/free-text?block=30 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Heat-API-Key: test_e53bbf19fdd077eda1cd933a54ebe987

  "instruction": "Translate from Spanish to English",
  "attachments_type": "text",
  "attachments": [ "hola mundo" ]
curl "" \
  -H "X-Heat-API-Key: test_e53bbf19fdd077eda1cd933a54ebe987" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{ "instruction": "Translate from Spanish to English",
        "attachments_type": "text",
        "attachments": ["hola mundo"] }'
var heat = require("heatjs")(

  instruction: "Translate from Spanish to English",
  attachments_type: "text",
  attachments: [ "hola mundo" ]
}).then(function (res) {
  // handle response here

Example Response (JSON)

  "id": "44647b6f-b033-4788-9ee2-9d7aa5cb0158",
  "status": "complete",
  "response": "hello world",
  "type": "free-text",
  "instruction": "Translate from Spanish to English",
  "attachments_type": "text",
  "attachments": [ "hola mundo" ]

Give a question and receive a free-text response.

HTTP Request

POST /v1/requests/free-text

Query Parameters

Name Default Description
block 0 Time in seconds the request should block for a response. If the request isn’t completed before this timeout, a pending result is returned.

Request Body Parameters

Name Type Description
instruction string Sentence explaining in natural language what exactly is requested in this call.
attachments_type (optional) string The type of the array elements in the attachments parameter. Potential values:
text - plain text (default)
image - URL of an image (jpg,png,gif)
video - URL of a video (mp4)
audio - URL of an audio file (wav,mp3)
website - URL of a website (html)
attachments (optional) string[] An array of strings providing additional resources which are required to perform the instruction.
validation (optional) string Limit the response to certain types of output. Potential values:
number - numbers only
url - valid URL addresses

Return Value

A Request object in a pending or completed state.

Name Type Description
id string A unique ID for this request, used to identify this request in future calls.
status string Current status of the request. Potential values:
complete - response ready under the response field
pending - response not ready and will be returned later
response (optional) string The response for the completed request (if available).
type string The request type, always free-text.
instruction string provided when making the request
attachments_type string provided when making the request
attachments string[] provided when making the request
validation string provided when making the request


POST /v1/requests/rating?block=30 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Heat-API-Key: test_e53bbf19fdd077eda1cd933a54ebe987

  "instruction": "Estimate the age of the person in the image",
  "attachments_type": "image",
  "attachments": [ "" ],
  "rating_min": 0,
  "rating_max": 100,
  "rating_step": 5
curl "" \
  -H "X-Heat-API-Key: test_e53bbf19fdd077eda1cd933a54ebe987" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{ "instruction": "Estimate the age of the person in the image",
        "attachments_type": "image",
        "attachments": [""],
        "rating_min": 0,
        "rating_max": 100,
        "rating_step": 5 }'
var heat = require("heatjs")(

  instruction: "Estimate the age of the person in the image",
  attachments_type: "image",
  attachments: [ "" ],
  rating_min: 0,
  rating_max: 100,
  rating_step: 5
}).then(function (res) {
  // handle response here

Example Response (JSON)

  "id": "44647b6f-b033-4788-9ee2-9d7aa5cb0158",
  "status": "complete",
  "response": 35,
  "type": "rating",
  "instruction": "Estimate the age of the person in the image",
  "attachments_type": "image",
  "attachments": [ "" ],
  "rating_min": 0,
  "rating_max": 100,
  "rating_step": 5

Give a numeric sliding scale and request a rating on it.

HTTP Request

POST /v1/requests/rating

Query Parameters

Name Default Description
block 0 Time in seconds the request should block for a response. If the request isn’t completed before this timeout, a pending result is returned.

Request Body Parameters

Name Type Description
instruction string Sentence explaining in natural language what exactly is requested in this call.
attachments_type (optional) string The type of the array elements in the attachments parameter. Potential values:
text - plain text (default)
image - URL of an image (jpg,png,gif)
video - URL of a video (mp4)
audio - URL of an audio file (wav,mp3)
website - URL of a website (html)
attachments (optional) string[] An array of strings providing additional resources which are required to perform the instruction.
rating_min (optional) number The minimum rating on the scale. Defaults to 0.
rating_max (optional) number The minimum rating on the scale. Defaults to 100.
rating_step (optional) number The rating step on the scale (granularity). Defaults to 1.
label_min (optional) string The label of the minimum edge of the scale.
label_max (optional) string The label of the maximum edge of the scale.

Return Value

A Request object in a pending or completed state.

Name Type Description
id string A unique ID for this request, used to identify this request in future calls.
status string Current status of the request. Potential values:
complete - response ready under the response field
pending - response not ready and will be returned later
response (optional) number The response for the completed request (if available). A numeric rating on the scale.
type string The request type, always rating.
instruction string provided when making the request
attachments_type string provided when making the request
attachments string[] provided when making the request
rating_min number provided when making the request
rating_max number provided when making the request
rating_step number provided when making the request
label_min string provided when making the request
label_max string provided when making the request


Image (Coming Soon!)

POST /v1/requests/image?block=30 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Heat-API-Key: test_e53bbf19fdd077eda1cd933a54ebe987

  "instruction": "A picture of a birthday cake"
curl "" \
  -H "X-Heat-API-Key: test_e53bbf19fdd077eda1cd933a54ebe987" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{ "instruction": "A picture of a birthday cake" }'
var heat = require("heatjs")(

  instruction: "A picture of a birthday cake"
}).then(function (res) {
  // handle response here

Example Response (JSON)

  "id": "44647b6f-b033-4788-9ee2-9d7aa5cb0158",
  "status": "complete",
  "response": "",
  "type": "image",
  "instruction": "A picture of a birthday cake"

Give a description of an image you would like to receive. There are no guarantees regarding the usage rights or licensing of the image.

HTTP Request

POST /v1/requests/image

Query Parameters

Name Default Description
block 0 Time in seconds the request should block for a response. If the request isn’t completed before this timeout, a pending result is returned.

Request Body Parameters

Name Type Description
instruction string Sentence explaining in natural language what exactly is requested in this call.
attachments_type (optional) string The type of the array elements in the attachments parameter. Potential values:
text - plain text (default)
image - URL of an image (jpg,png,gif)
video - URL of a video (mp4)
audio - URL of an audio file (wav,mp3)
website - URL of a website (html)
attachments (optional) string[] An array of strings providing additional resources which are required to perform the instruction.

Return Value

A Request object in a pending or completed state.

Name Type Description
id string A unique ID for this request, used to identify this request in future calls.
status string Current status of the request. Potential values:
complete - response ready under the response field
pending - response not ready and will be returned later
response (optional) string The response for the completed request (if available). A URL for the requested image.
type string The request type, always image.
instruction string provided when making the request
attachments_type string provided when making the request
attachments string[] provided when making the request

Video (Coming Soon!)

POST /v1/requests/video?block=30 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Heat-API-Key: test_e53bbf19fdd077eda1cd933a54ebe987

  "instruction": "A video of a cat walking"
curl "" \
  -H "X-Heat-API-Key: test_e53bbf19fdd077eda1cd933a54ebe987" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{ "instruction": "A video of a cat walking" }'
var heat = require("heatjs")(

  instruction: "A video of a cat walking"
}).then(function (res) {
  // handle response here

Example Response (JSON)

  "id": "44647b6f-b033-4788-9ee2-9d7aa5cb0158",
  "status": "complete",
  "response": ",dur,expire,gir,id,ip,ipbits,itag,keepalive,lmt,mime,mm,mn,ms,mv,nh,pl,requiressl,source,upn&lmt=1434349079471384&gir=yes&expire=1446342569&id=o-APt8srmH93a9dAjKK_VFO1KKgTyClaCfo8QnodqIQIOt&source=youtube&pl=23&requiressl=yes&mime=video/mp4&ip=,9408495,9408710,9409129,9409206,9413031,9414764,9415435,9416126,9417097,9417223,9417707,9418400,9420309,9421253,9421502,9422349,9422596,9422947,9423037,9423170&clen=1958886&itag=133&ipbits=0&upn=1pYqxKF_qDY&key=cms1&ratebypass=yes&",
  "type": "video",
  "instruction": "A video of a cat walking"

Give a description of a video you would like to receive. There are no guarantees regarding the usage rights or licensing of the video.

HTTP Request

POST /v1/requests/video

Query Parameters

Name Default Description
block 0 Time in seconds the request should block for a response. If the request isn’t completed before this timeout, a pending result is returned.

Request Body Parameters

Name Type Description
instruction string Sentence explaining in natural language what exactly is requested in this call.
attachments_type (optional) string The type of the array elements in the attachments parameter. Potential values:
text - plain text (default)
image - URL of an image (jpg,png,gif)
video - URL of a video (mp4)
audio - URL of an audio file (wav,mp3)
website - URL of a website (html)
attachments (optional) string[] An array of strings providing additional resources which are required to perform the instruction.

Return Value

A Request object in a pending or completed state.

Name Type Description
id string A unique ID for this request, used to identify this request in future calls.
status string Current status of the request. Potential values:
complete - response ready under the response field
pending - response not ready and will be returned later
response (optional) string The response for the completed request (if available). A URL for the requested video.
type string The request type, always video.
instruction string provided when making the request
attachments_type string provided when making the request
attachments string[] provided when making the request


POST /v1/requests/audio?block=30 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Heat-API-Key: test_e53bbf19fdd077eda1cd933a54ebe987

  "instruction": "Pronounce the word",
  "attachments_type": "text",
  "attachments": [ "encyclopedia" ]
curl "" \
  -H "X-Heat-API-Key: test_e53bbf19fdd077eda1cd933a54ebe987" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{ "instruction": "Pronounce the word",
        "attachments_type": "text",
        "attachments": ["encyclopedia"] }'
var heat = require("heatjs")(

  instruction: "Pronounce the word",
  attachments_type: "text",
  attachments: [ "encyclopedia" ]
}).then(function (res) {
  // handle response here

Example Response (JSON)

  "id": "44647b6f-b033-4788-9ee2-9d7aa5cb0158",
  "status": "complete",
  "response": "",
  "type": "audio",
  "instruction": "Pronounce the word",
  "attachments_type": "text",
  "attachments": [ "encyclopedia" ]

Give a description of audio you would like to receive. There are no guarantees regarding the usage rights or licensing of the audio.

HTTP Request

POST /v1/requests/audio

Query Parameters

Name Default Description
block 0 Time in seconds the request should block for a response. If the request isn’t completed before this timeout, a pending result is returned.

Request Body Parameters

Name Type Description
instruction string Sentence explaining in natural language what exactly is requested in this call.
attachments_type (optional) string The type of the array elements in the attachments parameter. Potential values:
text - plain text (default)
image - URL of an image (jpg,png,gif)
video - URL of a video (mp4)
audio - URL of an audio file (wav,mp3)
website - URL of a website (html)
attachments (optional) string[] An array of strings providing additional resources which are required to perform the instruction.

Return Value

A Request object in a pending or completed state.

Name Type Description
id string A unique ID for this request, used to identify this request in future calls.
status string Current status of the request. Potential values:
complete - response ready under the response field
pending - response not ready and will be returned later
response (optional) string The response for the completed request (if available). A URL for the requested audio file.
type string The request type, always audio.
instruction string provided when making the request
attachments_type string provided when making the request
attachments string[] provided when making the request


Simple annotations

POST /v1/requests/annotations?block=30 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Heat-API-Key: test_e53bbf19fdd077eda1cd933a54ebe987

  "instruction": "Mark the fashion accessories in the image",
  "attachments_type": "image",
  "attachments": [ "" ]
curl "" \
  -H "X-Heat-API-Key: test_e53bbf19fdd077eda1cd933a54ebe987" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{ "instruction": "Mark the fashion accessories in the image",
        "attachments_type": "image",
        "attachments": [""] }'
var heat = require("heatjs")(

  instruction: "Mark the fashion accessories in the image",
  attachments_type: "image",
  attachments: [ "" ]
}).then(function (res) {
  // handle response here

Example Response (JSON)

  "id": "44647b6f-b033-4788-9ee2-9d7aa5cb0158",
  "status": "complete",
  "response": [
    { "x": 123, "y": 207 },
    { "x": 321, "y": 523 },
    { "x": 73, "y": 298 }
  "type": "annotations",
  "instruction": "Mark the fashion accessories in the image",
  "attachments_type": "image",
  "attachments": [ "" ]

Give an attachment and request annotations over its content. This can be used to mark points of interest in an image, text, video, audio or website.

HTTP Request

POST /v1/requests/annotations

Query Parameters

Name Default Description
block 0 Time in seconds the request should block for a response. If the request isn’t completed before this timeout, a pending result is returned.

Request Body Parameters

Name Type Description
instruction string Sentence explaining in natural language what exactly is requested in this call.
attachments_type (optional) string The type of the array elements in the attachments parameter. Potential values:
text - plain text (default)
image - URL of an image (jpg,png,gif)
video - URL of a video (mp4)
audio - URL of an audio file (wav,mp3)
website - URL of a website (html)
attachments (optional) string[] An array of strings providing additional resources which are required to perform the instruction.
annotations_type (optional) string The type of requested annotation. Potential values:
point - pinpointed location (x,y) (default)
rectangle - marked area (x,y,x2,y2)
min_annotations (optional) number Minimum number of requested annotations. Defaults to 1.
max_annotations (optional) number Maximum number of requested answers.

Return Value

A Request object in a pending or completed state.

Name Type Description
id string A unique ID for this request, used to identify this request in future calls.
status string Current status of the request. Potential values:
complete - response ready under the response field
pending - response not ready and will be returned later
response (optional) array The response for the completed request (if available). An array of annotation objects, each containing:
x - horizontal pixel location (for image, video)
y - vertical pixel location (for image, video)
x2 - 2nd location (on annotations type rectangle)
y2 - 2nd location (on annotations type rectangle)
t - time offset in seconds (for video, audio)
attachment_index - when more than one provided
type string The request type, always annotations.
instruction string provided when making the request
attachments_type string provided when making the request
attachments string[] provided when making the request
annotations_type string provided when making the request
min_annotations number provided when making the request
max_annotations number provided when making the request

Annotations with multiple choice

POST /v1/requests/annotations-with-multiple-choice?block=30 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Heat-API-Key: test_e53bbf19fdd077eda1cd933a54ebe987

  "instruction": "Mark all the cats in the image",
  "attachments_type": "image",
  "attachments": [ "" ],
  "per_annotation": {
    "instruction": "What color is the cat",
    "choices_type": "text",
    "choices": [ "gray", "white", "black", "ginger" ]
curl "" \
  -H "X-Heat-API-Key: test_e53bbf19fdd077eda1cd933a54ebe987" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{ "instruction": "Mark all the cats in the image",
        "attachments_type": "image",
        "attachments": [""],
        "per_annotation": {
          "instruction": "What color is the cat",
          "choices_type": "text",
          "choices": ["gray", "white", "black", "ginger"] } }'
var heat = require("heatjs")(

  instruction: "Mark all the cats in the image",
  attachments_type: "image",
  attachments: [ "" ],
  per_annotation: {
    instruction: "What color is the cat",
    choices_type: "text",
    choices: [ "gray", "white", "black", "ginger" ]
}).then(function (res) {
  // handle response here

Example Response (JSON)

  "id": "44647b6f-b033-4788-9ee2-9d7aa5cb0158",
  "status": "complete",
  "response": [
    { "x": 123, "y": 207, "response": [ "gray" ] },
    { "x": 321, "y": 523, "response": [ "ginger" ] },
    { "x": 73, "y": 298, "response": [ "gray" ] }
  "type": "annotations-with-multiple-choice",
  "instruction": "Mark all the cats in the image",
  "attachments_type": "image",
  "attachments": [ "" ],
  "per_annotation": {
    "instruction": "What color is the cat",
    "choices_type": "text",
    "choices": [ "gray", "white", "black", "ginger" ]

Give an attachment and request annotations over its content. For each annotation add a multiple choice request. This can be used to mark points of interest in an image, text, video, audio or website and then answer a question per each point marked.

HTTP Request

POST /v1/requests/annotations-with-multiple-choice

Query Parameters

Name Default Description
block 0 Time in seconds the request should block for a response. If the request isn’t completed before this timeout, a pending result is returned.

Request Body Parameters

Name Type Description
instruction string Sentence explaining in natural language what exactly is requested in this call.
attachments_type (optional) string The type of the array elements in the attachments parameter. Potential values:
text - plain text (default)
image - URL of an image (jpg,png,gif)
video - URL of a video (mp4)
audio - URL of an audio file (wav,mp3)
website - URL of a website (html)
attachments (optional) string[] An array of strings providing additional resources which are required to perform the instruction.
annotations_type (optional) string The type of requested annotation. Potential values:
point - pinpointed location (x,y) (default)
rectangle - marked area (x,y,x2,y2)
min_annotations (optional) number Minimum number of requested annotations. Defaults to 1.
max_annotations (optional) number Maximum number of requested answers.
per_annotation object The request per annotation. A Request object containing:
instruction - natural language request
choices_type - see multiple choice request params
choices - see multiple choice request params

Return Value

A Request object in a pending or completed state.

Name Type Description
id string A unique ID for this request, used to identify this request in future calls.
status string Current status of the request. Potential values:
complete - response ready under the response field
pending - response not ready and will be returned later
response (optional) array The response for the completed request (if available). An array of annotation objects, each containing:
x - horizontal pixel location (for image, video)
y - vertical pixel location (for image, video)
x2 - 2nd location (on annotations type rectangle)
y2 - 2nd location (on annotations type rectangle)
t - time offset in seconds (for video, audio)
attachment_index - when more than one provided
response - the response per annotation
type string The request type, always annotations-with-multiple-choice.
instruction string provided when making the request
attachments_type string provided when making the request
attachments string[] provided when making the request
annotations_type string provided when making the request
min_annotations number provided when making the request
max_annotations number provided when making the request
per_annotation object provided when making the request

Annotations with free text

POST /v1/requests/annotations-with-free-text?block=30 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Heat-API-Key: test_e53bbf19fdd077eda1cd933a54ebe987

  "instruction": "Mark all the cats in the image",
  "attachments_type": "image",
  "attachments": [ "" ],
  "per_annotation": {
    "instruction": "What's the facial expression of the cat?"
curl "" \
  -H "X-Heat-API-Key: test_e53bbf19fdd077eda1cd933a54ebe987" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{ "instruction": "Mark all the cats in the image",
        "attachments_type": "image",
        "attachments": [""],
        "per_annotation": { "instruction": "What's the facial expression of the cat?" } }'
var heat = require("heatjs")(

  instruction: "Mark all the cats in the image",
  attachments_type: "image",
  attachments: [ "" ],
  per_annotation: {
    instruction: "What's the facial expression of the cat?"
}).then(function (res) {
  // handle response here

Example Response (JSON)

  "id": "44647b6f-b033-4788-9ee2-9d7aa5cb0158",
  "status": "complete",
  "response": [
    { "x": 123, "y": 207, "response": "grumpy" },
    { "x": 321, "y": 523, "response": "curious" },
    { "x": 73, "y": 298, "response": "stunned" }
  "type": "annotations-with-free-text",
  "instruction": "Mark all the cats in the image",
  "attachments_type": "image",
  "attachments": [ "" ],
  "per_annotation": {
    "instruction": "What's the facial expression of the cat?"

Give an attachment and request annotations over its content. For each annotation ask a free text question. This can be used to mark points of interest in an image, text, video, audio or website and then answer a question per each point marked.

HTTP Request

POST /v1/requests/annotations-with-free-text

Query Parameters

Name Default Description
block 0 Time in seconds the request should block for a response. If the request isn’t completed before this timeout, a pending result is returned.

Request Body Parameters

Name Type Description
instruction string Sentence explaining in natural language what exactly is requested in this call.
attachments_type (optional) string The type of the array elements in the attachments parameter. Potential values:
text - plain text (default)
image - URL of an image (jpg,png,gif)
video - URL of a video (mp4)
audio - URL of an audio file (wav,mp3)
website - URL of a website (html)
attachments (optional) string[] An array of strings providing additional resources which are required to perform the instruction.
annotations_type (optional) string The type of requested annotation. Potential values:
point - pinpointed location (x,y) (default)
rectangle - marked area (x,y,x2,y2)
min_annotations (optional) number Minimum number of requested annotations. Defaults to 1.
max_annotations (optional) number Maximum number of requested answers.
per_annotation object The request per annotation. A Request object containing:
instruction - natural language request
validation - see free text request params

Return Value

A Request object in a pending or completed state.

Name Type Description
id string A unique ID for this request, used to identify this request in future calls.
status string Current status of the request. Potential values:
complete - response ready under the response field
pending - response not ready and will be returned later
response (optional) array The response for the completed request (if available). An array of annotation objects, each containing:
x - horizontal pixel location (for image, video)
y - vertical pixel location (for image, video)
x2 - 2nd location (on annotations type rectangle)
y2 - 2nd location (on annotations type rectangle)
t - time offset in seconds (for video, audio)
attachment_index - when more than one provided
response - the response per annotation
type string The request type, always annotations-with-free-text.
instruction string provided when making the request
attachments_type string provided when making the request
attachments string[] provided when making the request
annotations_type string provided when making the request
min_annotations number provided when making the request
max_annotations number provided when making the request
per_annotation object provided when making the request

Annotations with rating

POST /v1/requests/annotations-with-rating?block=30 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Heat-API-Key: test_e53bbf19fdd077eda1cd933a54ebe987

  "instruction": "Mark all the cats in the image",
  "attachments_type": "image",
  "attachments": [ "" ],
  "per_annotation": {
    "instruction": "How aggressive is the cat?",
    "rating_min": 0,
    "rating_max": 10,
    "label_min": "not aggressive",
    "label_max": "very aggressive"
curl "" \
  -H "X-Heat-API-Key: test_e53bbf19fdd077eda1cd933a54ebe987" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{ "instruction": "Mark all the cats in the image",
        "attachments_type": "image",
        "attachments": [""],
        "per_annotation": { "instruction": "How aggressive is the cat?",
          "rating_min": 0,
          "rating_max": 10,
          "label_min": "not aggressive",
          "label_max": "very aggressive" } }'
var heat = require("heatjs")(

  instruction: "Mark all the cats in the image",
  attachments_type: "image",
  attachments: [ "" ],
  per_annotation: {
    instruction: "How aggressive is the cat?",
    rating_min: 0,
    rating_max: 10,
    label_min: "not aggressive",
    label_max: "very aggressive"
}).then(function (res) {
  // handle response here

Example Response (JSON)

  "id": "44647b6f-b033-4788-9ee2-9d7aa5cb0158",
  "status": "complete",
  "response": [
    { "x": 123, "y": 207, "response": 6 },
    { "x": 321, "y": 523, "response": 2 },
    { "x": 73, "y": 298, "response": 0 }
  "type": "annotations-with-rating",
  "instruction": "Mark all the cats in the image",
  "attachments_type": "image",
  "attachments": [ "" ],
  "per_annotation": {
    "instruction": "How aggressive is the cat?",
    "rating_min": 0,
    "rating_max": 10,
    "label_min": "not aggressive",
    "label_max": "very aggressive"

Give an attachment and request annotations over its content. For each annotation add a rating request (choose a value on a numeric sliding scale). This can be used to mark points of interest in an image, text, video, audio or website and then answer a question per each point marked.

HTTP Request

POST /v1/requests/annotations-with-rating

Query Parameters

Name Default Description
block 0 Time in seconds the request should block for a response. If the request isn’t completed before this timeout, a pending result is returned.

Request Body Parameters

Name Type Description
instruction string Sentence explaining in natural language what exactly is requested in this call.
attachments_type (optional) string The type of the array elements in the attachments parameter. Potential values:
text - plain text (default)
image - URL of an image (jpg,png,gif)
video - URL of a video (mp4)
audio - URL of an audio file (wav,mp3)
website - URL of a website (html)
attachments (optional) string[] An array of strings providing additional resources which are required to perform the instruction.
annotations_type (optional) string The type of requested annotation. Potential values:
point - pinpointed location (x,y) (default)
rectangle - marked area (x,y,x2,y2)
min_annotations (optional) number Minimum number of requested annotations. Defaults to 1.
max_annotations (optional) number Maximum number of requested answers.
per_annotation object The request per annotation. A Request object containing:
instruction - natural language request
rating_min - see rating request params
rating_max - see rating request params
rating_step - see rating request params
label_min - see rating request params
label_max - see rating request params

Return Value

A Request object in a pending or completed state.

Name Type Description
id string A unique ID for this request, used to identify this request in future calls.
status string Current status of the request. Potential values:
complete - response ready under the response field
pending - response not ready and will be returned later
response (optional) array The response for the completed request (if available). An array of annotation objects, each containing:
x - horizontal pixel location (for image, video)
y - vertical pixel location (for image, video)
x2 - 2nd location (on annotations type rectangle)
y2 - 2nd location (on annotations type rectangle)
t - time offset in seconds (for video, audio)
attachment_index - when more than one provided
response - the response per annotation
type string The request type, always annotations-with-rating.
instruction string provided when making the request
attachments_type string provided when making the request
attachments string[] provided when making the request
annotations_type string provided when making the request
min_annotations number provided when making the request
max_annotations number provided when making the request
per_annotation object provided when making the request


Embedding Youtube Videos

Embedding videos from YouTube is easy, but instead of using the “normal” link to the video, you should use the YouTube Embedded Player. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Get the YouTube video id. For example, in this case: the video id is R0V_D4zaEpU

  2. Add the video id to the embedded player url, like this:

Use this link when sending requests, together with {attachments_type: video}

Making Phone Calls

POST /v1/requests/free-text HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Heat-API-Key: test_e53bbf19fdd077eda1cd933a54ebe987

  "instruction": "Please dial the number below and enter. The supplied PIN code will be entered automaticall (no need to enter it). An automated system will tell you the current balance in an account. Please write down the balance in the response",
  "attachments_type": "text",
  "attachments": [ 
    "PIN Code: 1234"
  "validation": "number"
curl "" \
  -H "X-Heat-API-Key: test_e53bbf19fdd077eda1cd933a54ebe987" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{
    "instruction": "Please dial the number below and enter. The supplied PIN code will be entered automaticall (no need to enter it). An automated system will tell you the current balance in an account. Please write down the balance in the response",
    "attachments_type": "text",
    "attachments": [ 
      "PIN Code: 1234"
    "validation": "number"
var heat = require("heatjs")(

  "instruction": "Please dial the number below and enter. The supplied PIN code will be entered automaticall (no need to enter it). An automated system will tell you the current balance in an account. Please write down the balance in the response",
  "attachments_type": "text",
  "attachments": [ 
    "PIN Code: 1234"
  "validation": "number"
}).then(function (res) {
  // handle response here

If you want to attach a phone number that Crunchers will dial in order to perform your request, please prefix it with the 'dial:’ prefix. This will allow us to recognize that this is a phone number, and optimize call charges by routing the call through the web.

In order to automate sending DTMF tones after the call is established, add a ’@’ sign at the end of the phone number, and after that the required DTMF tones. In order to wait 0.5 seconds before sending a tone, use the 'w’ sign.

For example:

instruction: ...
attachments_type: "text",
attachments: ["dial:+123456789"]

Majority Voting

POST /v1/requests/multiple-choice?block=30 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Heat-API-Key: test_e53bbf19fdd077eda1cd933a54ebe987

  "instruction": "Does the image contain violent content?",
  "attachments_type": "image",
  "attachments": [ "" ],
  "choices_type": "text",
  "choices": [ "no violence", "mild violence", "intense violence" ],
  "confidence": {
    "strategy": "majority",
    "min_agreements": 2,
    "max_crunchers": 3
curl "" \
  -H "X-Heat-API-Key: test_e53bbf19fdd077eda1cd933a54ebe987" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{ "instruction": "Does the image contain violent content?",
        "attachments_type": "image",
        "attachments": [""],
        "choices_type": "text",
        "choices": ["no violence", "mild violence", "intense violence"],
        "confidence": {
          "strategy": "majority",
          "min_agreements": 2,
          "max_crunchers": 3
var heat = require("heatjs")(

  instruction: "Does the image contain violent content?",
  attachments_type: "image",
  attachments: [ "" ],
  choices_type: "text",
  choices: [ "no violence", "mild violence", "intense violence" ],
  confidence: {
      "strategy": "majority",
      "min_agreements": 2,
      "max_crunchers": 3
  }).then(function (res) {
  // handle response here

Example Response (JSON)

  "id": "44647b6f-b033-4788-9ee2-9d7aa5cb0158",
  "status": "complete",
  "response": [ "no violence" ],
  "raw_responses": {
    "fb08318584ce0bf013c3ef987e888810": [ "no violence" ],
    "263085f6de46a84015581ef10f303188": [ "mild violence" ],
    "8b87fe5d625a75274d788450bc7946c6": [ "no violence" ]
  "type": "multiple-choice",
  "instruction": "Does the image contain violent content?",
  "attachments_type": "image",
  "attachments": [ "" ],
  "choices_type": "text",
  "choices": [ "no violence", "mild violence", "intense violence" ]

Heat constantly makes sure that returned information is correct with very high confidence. However, for applications that cannot tolerate even a tiny percentage of mistakes, you can ask Heat to send the request to multiple crunchers. The request will only complete once enough crunchers agree on the correct response, or after a predefined number of responses were collected. To use this feature, add a confidence section to your request, with the following parameters:

Request Body Parameters

Name Type Description
confidence (optional) object The section containing confidence mechanism configuration
confidence.strategy string The strategy to use. Currently only “majority” is supported.
confidence.min_agreements number Minimum number of agreements for a response to be considered 'true’ and the request to become 'complete’
confidence.max_crunchers number Maximum number of attempts to reach an agreement. If the number of responses reach this number without agreemen, the request will be marked as 'complete’ and the returned response will be null.

Return Value

A Request object in a pending or completed state.

Name Type Description
response string The response for the completed request (if available). Null if no agreement was reached.
raw_responses object The set of all responses by specific crunchers, a mapping of cruncher_id to response.


Retrieving Requests

GET /v1/requests/44647b6f-b033-4788-9ee2-9d7aa5cb0158?block=30 HTTP/1.1
X-Heat-API-Key: test_e53bbf19fdd077eda1cd933a54ebe987
curl "" \
  -u "test_e53bbf19fdd077eda1cd933a54ebe987:"
var heat = require("heatjs")(

.then(function (res) {
  // handle response here

Example Response (JSON)

  "id": "44647b6f-b033-4788-9ee2-9d7aa5cb0158",
  "status": "complete",
  "response": "no violence",
  "type": "multiple-choice",
  "instruction": "Does the image contain violent content?",
  "attachments_type": "image",
  "attachments": [ "" ],
  "choices_type": "text",
  "choices": [ "no violence", "mild violence", "intense violence" ]

Retrieve the details of an existing request, and the response (once the request is completed). Supply the unique request ID returned when the request was initially created.

HTTP Request

GET /v1/requests/{request_id}

Path Parameters

Name Type Description
request_id string The unique ID of the request, returned when the request was initially created.

Query Parameters

Name Default Description
block 0 Time in seconds the request should block for a response. If the request isn’t completed before this timeout, a pending result is returned.

Return Value

A Request object in a pending or completed state.

Name Type Description
id string A unique ID for this request, used to identify this request in future calls.
status string Current status of the request. Potential values:
complete - response ready under the response field
pending - response not ready and will be returned later
response (optional) string The response for the completed request (if available). Format depends on the request type.
type string The request type.
instruction string provided when making the request
attachments_type string provided when making the request
attachments string[] provided when making the request
other fields provided when making the request

Aborting pending requests

POST /v1/tasks/abort/44647b6f-b033-4788-9ee2-9d7aa5cb0158?block=30 HTTP/1.1
X-Heat-API-Key: test_e53bbf19fdd077eda1cd933a54ebe987
curl -X POST "" \
  -u "test_e53bbf19fdd077eda1cd933a54ebe987:"
var heat = require("heatjs")(

.then(function (res) {
  // handle response here

Example Response (JSON)

  "success": true

Abort a pending request. Aborting a request is only possible before it is completed.

HTTP Request

POST /v1/tasks/abort/{request_id}

Path Parameters

Name Type Description
request_id string The unique ID of the request, returned when the request was initially created.



Error Code Meaning
200 OK – Everything worked as expected.
400 Bad Request – The request was unacceptable, often due to missing a required parameter.
401 Unauthorized – No valid API key provided.
404 Not Found – The requested resource doesn’t exist.
429 Too Many Requests – You’re making too many requests! Slow down!
449 Pending – The response is still pending and does not yet exist. Try again later.
500 Internal Server Error – We had a problem with our server. Try again later.
503 Service Unavailable – We’re temporarily offline for maintenance. Please try again later.